Process is paramount. We want to ensure that the creative work we produce is appropriate, engaging, and substantial.

You can dive into it below. Clients can be involved as much or as little as they desire, and the process can be shaped to meet individual needs.

Our process.

  • During this initial phase of the project, we engage with the client, listening carefully to their needs, goals, and vision to establish key ideas and themes.

    This collaborative process lays the foundation for a design that resonates with the client's objectives and target audience.

  • During the research phase, we build on our existing knowledge by learning about symbols, ideas, themes, and oral tradition relating to the project and culture involved.

    We learn how symbols, patterns, colour palettes etc. are traditionally used, and explore how we can put a contemporary, fresh, and engaging spin on them - whilst remaining culturally sensitive and appropriate.

  • From our learning and understanding taken from the first two stages of the project process, we explore early stage visual directions and ideas, often expressed as sketches, mood boards, and quick mockups.

  • Before presenting these concepts and ideas to our clients, we make sure they have been vetted, considered, and approved by a cultural advisor with an understanding of the culture and symbolism involved.

    This ensures our designs have substance, and resonate authentically with our target audience.

    This careful step of the project enables us to use our vast experience in the creative and business world, to offer solutions with substance across a broader range of cultures and peoples.

  • At this point in the project we share our ideas and initial solutions for feedback and discussion with our clients.

    It is often comprised of two separate visual directions that communicate the themes and ideas behind the project.

    The client then chooses their preferred direction for development and application.

  • Progressing with the chosen visual direction, we adapt and build on it as necessary, and start applying it to project touchpoints - whether that be digital, print, or otherwise.

  • All files, assets and solutions are delivered to the client in whatever format is agreed upon. This is also a chance to reflect on the project, and discuss any requirements going forward. How can we support you?